Essling Capital

French Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS). Share capital: EUR 2,153,465
SIREN no. 827 573783 RCS PARIS
Essling Capital is a portfolio management company authorized on June 21st, 2017 by the AMF under agreement n° GP-17000016.»

Registered office:

8, avenue Percier
75008 Paris


Domnin de Kerdaniel

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57 boulevard Barbès
75018 Paris

The aim of this website is to provide information to persons resident in France about the activities of Essling Capital and the main features of its products and services. We would like to draw to the attention of persons consulting this website to the fact that past performance does not guarantee future results, and that due to the risks inherent to the financial markets, the information provided on this website is intended to be read by persons with the appropriate level of knowledge of these markets and qualified as professional investors.

Information contained on the website is non-contractual. Under no circumstances does it constitute an offer of services, a recommendation and/or a solicitation and/or offer for the purchase, sale or arbitrage of mutual funds or any other asset management product or investment, made by Essling Capital. In addition, it is hereby stated that access to the products and services featured on the website may be subject to restrictions in respect of certain individuals or countries, and Essling Capital may not offer any product or service to an individual if prohibited from doing so by the law of the individual’s country of origin, or the law of any other country applicable to the individual or to the product or services in question.

In any event, it shall be the sole responsibility of any person visiting the website to verify beforehand that it is legal to do so in his/her country of residence, and to be aware of the tax implications of any investment, in particular as regards any provisions that may apply at the time of an investment. Information contained on the website is intended for guidance only.

Essling Capital cannot guarantee that the information will be presented without the risk of material error. Essling Capital cannot be held liable for any decision taken on the basis of any content or information provided on the website. Essling Capital undertakes solely to correct any errors that may be brought to its attention.

In general, Essling Capital accepts no liability for the way in which the website and its content are used; the persons consulting the website shall assume full liability in this respect. Essling Capital cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect losses suffered, including material losses, data or program losses, or financial losses, as a result of using this website, or any website to which it is linked.
We would also remind you that any investment in a mutual fund must be made with full knowledge of the following regulatory documents: articles of association or regulations, and prospectus. In the case of mutual funds governed by French law, these documents must have been stamped by the French stock market regulator (Autorité des Marchés Financiers or AMF).

Personal Information

We hereby inform those persons communicating personal data to Essling Capital via this website that under French Law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, referred to as “Informatique et libertés”, as modified by French Law of June 20, 2018, they have the right to oppose commercial solicitations and/or to access the information concerning them, rectify it and/or suppress their personal data held by the Editorial Director:

Should they wish to access and rectify personal data, they may make a request in writing by regular mail to the following address: Essling Capital / General Secretariat – 8, avenue Percier – 75008 Paris, France.


Each user providing information via this website grants full transferable rights to Essling Capital in respect of this information. Users should be aware that Essling Capital does not undertake to refrain from using or disclosing such information. Essling Capital reserves the right only to examine those projects that appear to meet its investment criteria and to reject any proposal without providing any justification and without returning any documents that it has been sent.

Links with other websites

Before creating a link with the website, approval must be obtained from the Editorial Director. Under no circumstances shall Essling Capital be held liable for the content, products or services offered on websites that are linked to by hypertext links or any other type of link.

Intellectual property

The website qualifies as intellectual property and is therefore protected by intellectual property rights. The same rights apply to any data appearing on the website, such as trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, etc.
Information on the website is intended for strictly personal use of internet users and must not be reproduced, communicated to third parties or used, in whole or in part, for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Any unauthorised reproduction or use of the website and the information displayed on it may lead to the commencement of legal proceedings, particularly in respect of piracy offences. Other product or company names and logos mentioned on the website may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
This website is governed by French law. The French version shall therefore take precedence.

Voting policy

In accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation of the AMF, Essling Capital has defined a voting policy that presents and defines the principles put in place with regard to the exercise of the voting rights attached to securities held by the investment funds (venture capital funds, innovation funds, professional funds and other alternative investment funds) managed by Essling Capital.
Essling Capital regards the exercise of voting rights as an integral part of the management of the funds’ investments and aims to fully play its part as a shareholder.

Essling Capital’s policy is to attend all meetings of shareholders of the funds’ investments under management and to exercise the voting rights attached thereto. Generally, Essling Capital arranges to be represented at meetings by the person responsible for the investment or by any person holding a proxy.

Otherwise, in cases where it is not possible for one of its representatives to attend physically or when the resolutions presented to the meeting only involve matters of minor importance for the investment, Essling Capital exercises its voting rights by post. In the event that it is not possible to follow these two recommendations, a proxy may be given to the Chairman of the investment or to an informed third party chosen by Essling Capital. In that case, depending on the nature of the resolution, the proxy may be discretionary or non-discretionary.

For more information, please contact the Management Company.


The complaints processing procedure specifies the way in which complaints are passed on and processed within Essling Capital in accordance with the principles set out in the General Regulation of the AMF and Instruction 2012-07 “Complaints processing”.
A complaint is a statement by the customer officially recording its dissatisfaction with Essling Capital or in relation to an investment service provided by Essling Capital. A request for information, for an opinion, or for a product or service clarification, is not a complaint.
Distributors with which Essling Capital has put an investment and marketing agreement in place will pass on any complaint received to Essling’ Head of Compliance and Internal Control, to enable him to handle the processing of that complaint.

Complaints can be received by any means, by post or by mail:

Essling Capital
8, avenue Percier
75008 Paris,

Upon receipt of a complaint, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent within a maximum of 10 business days, unless a response has been given within that period. A response will be given to the customer within a maximum period of 2 months from the date of receipt of the complaint, unless duly established special circumstances arise.

Customers can send a complaint in the official language or in one of the official languages of the Member State in which the Fund is marketed or in which the investment service is provided. Such complaints will then be answered in the same language.
If the response is not satisfactory, the AMF’s mediator may be contacted by letter at the following address:

Financial Markets Authority (AMF)
Mediation Service
17, place de la Bourse
75082 PARIS CEDEX 02
For more information:

Reminder of the main risks

Investment capital funds invest essentially in unlisted companies or small-cap companies. The main risks facing those funds are:

The risk of loss of capital: the funds are invested in unlisted securities and are not covered by any capital guarantee; it is therefore possible that the capital initially invested will not be repaid in full.
The liquidity risk: the funds are mainly invested in unlisted securities that are not immediately liquid; such investments are likely to remain locked up for several years, or even to be sold at a price lower than their market value, which will result in a reduction in the net asset value of the fund.

The credit risk: the risk of loss of a receivable by the fund due to default by the debtor on the due date associated with investments in bond, money market or diversified assets. In the event of deterioration in the quality of the issuers, the value of such assets could result in a reduction in the net asset value of the fund.

Currency risk: investments may be denominated in currencies other than the Euro and their value may therefore vary according to the exchange rate.

For more information, please contact the Management Company.

Conflicts of interest policy

A conflict of interest situation means any situation in which the interests of Essling Capital as an investment fund manager, or those of its associated companies or shareholders, differ from the interests of customers, and in which the decision-making process could favour Essling
Capital to the detriment of customers.

Essling Capital’s business must be managed in the interests of customers and with a view to treating partner companies or co-investors fairly. To that end, Essling Capital has put a procedure in place setting out the systems for the prevention, detection and management of conflicts of interest in relation to the activities carried on by Essling Capital.

The main conflicts of interest identified can arise at the time

  • of investment or disinvestment
  • of valuation of investments and risk management
  • of the provision of products, services and advice

The Head of Compliance and Internal Control keeps an up-to-date permanent register of proven or potential conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest are reported to Essling Capital’s management executives.

Essling Capital undertakes to inform its customers of the general nature or source of such conflict or conflicts of interest if such situations are identified.

For more information, please contact the Management Company.

Best Selection Policy

Essling Capital does not provide an order execution investment service on behalf of third parties. Consequently, Essling Capital applies all reasonable procedures and measures to obtain the best possible result for the investment funds under its management, when transmitting for execution orders resulting from its decisions to trade in financial instruments on their account, in order to guarantee the rapid and efficient execution of the orders in the interest of the end customer.

The policy adopted by Essling Capital is based on procedures for the “Best Selection” of the intermediaries responsible for the execution of orders, and on control procedures intended to satisfy it that those intermediaries comply with the “Best Execution” principle.
For more information, please contact the Management Company.